Simon Sutherland PhD
Founder and owner of Sutherland Datahelp
To-do list a mile long? No time? Lack the skills?...Call or e-mail
Get it done with Datahelp
You have data but want to know what it's telling you?
Let's get it analysed and discover those insights and hidden dynamics
General help...might take only take an hour and those deadlines do creep up.
0752 805 7855
30 Years experience as a data specialist and business intelligence consultant
PhD University of Birmingham
Member of the Balanced Scorecard Institute
(Aligning metrics to strategy and strategy mapping)
Member of the Process Excellence Network
Business Objects Expert
Excel spreadsheets and PowerPoint presentations are no problem. I'll even do the presentation for you.
....and not least ...
From stormy waters into calm seas...
Out of the chaos
Seminars on quality and process improvement through understanding variation. Achieve transformational results with transformed hours wasted discussing big numbers and little numbers, drive up efficiency, drive down costs and and make better data-driven decisions.
Queues? How do they start and why do we get bottlenecks
A simple and informal introductory talk
Are your processes capable? A control chart will help you find out